
New Brunswickers care about health

Fracking poses serious threats to health – especially for babies, children and seniors. Research shows that living near gas wells significantly increases the risks of premature births, birth defects, asthma, leukemia, and heart failure.  Yet, Premier Blaine Higgs wants you to believe that fracking for shale gas would be good for New Brunswick. Is it a good idea to add more stress to our struggling healthcare system?

The choice is clear:  Fracking or Health? 

Vote against fracking in New Brunswick. Get the facts at NoShaleGasNB.ca



New Brunswickers care about clean water

Fracking a single shale gas well uses and pollutes up to 100 million litres of freshwater. Imagine the water needed for thousands of gas wells. This is a real threat to our well water, rivers, and lakes. Yet, Blaine Higgs wants you to believe that fracking for shale gas would be good for New Brunswick.  Water is life and our most precious resource.

The choice is clear: Fracking or clean water? 

Vote against fracking in New Brunswick. Recognize the myths and get the facts at NoShaleGasNB.ca