Sustainable Energy Solutions

Comments on the Energy Transition Roadmap


The New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance is a coalition of Anglophone and francophone groups from across the province that has since 2010 pursued two mandates – promoting the transition to a clean energy economy, and stopping the development of unconventional fossil fuels in New Brunswick.

We have done so via public education, formal testimony to government, legal actions, and media advocacy, all based on a foundation of scientific, public health, and economic facts and research.  We certainly consider ourselves major stakeholders in the Energy Transition.

The context surrounding all of our comments is the rapidly increasing harms brought by climate change – the underlying reason for this energy transition.

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Ethics Do Matter

Letter to the Editor by Sam Arnold, Moncton Times & Transcript, 28 December 2022

Norbert Cunningham’s December 27 column (The Moncton Times & Transcript) included a poignant two-word sentence: “Ethics matter.” Indeed, they do!

The Daily Gleaner’s top story that day said that 79 of NB Power’s highest paid employees earned over $200,000 and six cleared over $300,000, while some approached $500,000-plus. These are earnings for Toronto, not mostly rural New Brunswick.

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