On Wednesday, NBASGA was one of the co-signers of a letter signed by 28 groups in the Atlantic provinces, demanding that government leaders focus on growing renewable energy infrastructure instead of further fossil fuel development – including LNG and shale gas. The letter was sent to all the Premiers and Members of Parliament of the Atlantic Provinces, plus Trudeau, Guilbeault and Wilkinson. With the current political climate we never know how much influence these things have, but following the halt of new LNG projects by President Biden, we need to let governments know that we support bold actions and encourage them to follow the same path with our support.

Simultaneously, a host of groups in BC sent a similar letter to their respective government officials.

CCNB coordinated the East Coast effort; the press release – with links to both letters – is on their website:
English: https://www.conservationcouncil.ca/from-fossil-to-future-a-collective-call-for-renewable-energy-in-atlantic-canada/
Francais: https://www.conservationcouncil.ca/fr/tournons-le-dos-aux-combustibles-fossiles-pour-nous-tourner-vers-lavenir-un-appel-collectif-en-faveur-des-energies-renouvelables-dans-le-canada-atlantique/