On August 19, 2015 a delegation of three NBASGA members traveled to Fredericton to present our case against UNGOD (UNconventional Gas and Oil Development)  to the New Brunswick Commission on Hydraulic Fracturing.

About the Commission

The commission was set up by the new Liberal Government in March 2015 to conduct an independent review of the practice and effects of a potential industry involving hydraulic fracturing in the province.

The Government of New Brunswick identified five key areas requiring more information and stated the moratorium would not be lifted unless there is a:

  1. social license in place;
  2. clear and credible information about the impacts of hydraulic fracturing on our health, environment and water, allowing us to develop country-leading regulatory regime with sufficient enforcement capabilities;
  3. plan that mitigates the impacts on our public infrastructure and that addresses issues such as waste water disposal;
  4. process in place to respect our obligations under the duty to consult with First Nations; and
  5. mechanism in place to ensure that benefits are maximized for New Brunswickers, including the development of a proper royalty structure.

The Commission is to study each condition in a New Brunswick context and report its evidence-based findings directly to Cabinet.